Greater > Than
- act as if > waiting for
- activity > passivity
- believer > optimist
- (optimists live in a dream world where every day is sunny, believers hold the sunshine in their souls and accept that the weather is sometimes lousy)
- character > reputation
- your character is what you really are
- your reputation is what others think you are
- caution sign <> stop sign
- chemistry > credentials
- changing thoughts → changing results
- comeback > setback
- company policies = superstitions
- education > fear
- employability > job security
- evidence > words (external evidence > your superlatives)
- fail small now > fail big later (stagnation, layoffs etc)
- fear of loss > desire for gain
- fear + education —> discernment
- finding products for your customers > finding customers for your products
- forward motion > choosing the path (moving is the best way to get where you're going)
- goal setting > goal getting
- good enough > the best choice (we focus on minimizing the risk of a bad choice)
- guillotine > rack
- I'll find out > I don't know
- images > words (use visual language)
- imagination > common sense
- inspire > motivate
- interactions > interruptions (functionality = new marketing)
- invisibility > failure
- lead > follow
- lead > follow the leader > follow the follower (conform)
- motion (keep high) > emotion (keep low)
- outcome = event + response (you choose the response
- personable > professional
- productivity > activity
- planning > the plan
- planning > firefighting
- profit > sales
- results > applause (applause or rewards)
- rewards > awards applause or results
- satisfy the person > satisfy the client
- small dreams = short time horizons
- specialist > generalist
- tax > insurance
- vision > obstacles
- want to > how to
- will to prepare to win > will to win
- writing = thinking
- why you think something > what you think
- hard work > working hard
- work most of the hours at work > work the most hours
- how intelligently you work > how much you work
page revision: 29, last edited: 10 Aug 2010 11:12