

Snippets may be useful in your communication when you're looking for a catchy way to get your message across.


annoying pest → welcome guest

Arc of Ambition

AIDA formula for copy writing: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action


BEST goals: Believable, Energizing, Specific and Timed

bad ideas stick around forever

bound to rise


change addicted vs change conflicted

choose your battle and battlefield

clean firetrucks vs preventative maintenance {Seth Godin}

  • between fires spend time preventing fires, rather than passing the time cleaning the firetruck

cluttering the shelves of our minds (Seth Godin)

comfort makes cowards of us all

confound expectations


design is free; style is free; quality is free (costs are thinking and guts)

don't care. don't have to.


expectations shape experiences

extreme self-care (take time for your life)

everybody can make everything → almost everything is lousy

  • market rewards cheaper and good enough


facts tell, feelings sell

facts are neutral — until they are interpreted

  • mean nothing until translated into benefits the other person wants

familiarity breeds business

Finders, Minders and Grinders

  • Finder - gets the clients and sells (sales person)
  • Grinder - does the backroom technical analysis
  • Minder - handles administration during sale and afterward

free agent nation


gratification delayed <> gratification denied


if there's a way, there's an even better way

imitation across industries

incantation or incantation {Tony Robbins}

Interested Introvert = Problem-solver = Salesperson

implementation > strategy

invest time, money and imagination (not just money)


laser or lightbulb

law of diminishing intent

leap of inspiration > common sense (eg, personal computer, overnight delivery)

Look / Listen / Learn

Language —> Thought —> Action


maybe-proof yourself

money doesn't come with instructions


passion for the promises of life

patience + persistence


relentless pursuit of better

risk is the only reward

revolution or revelation?


spring is in the care

shortage of scarcity (too much abundance today)

speak visually

SILENT = LISTEN (same letters)

SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based

Snowball vs scream & dream

  • let marketing build vs spend all your money on a big splash (as with movies launches)


the roots determine the fruits

the precious present

the positive power of negative expectations {Dan Kennedy}

the precious present

Thinking or thwimming?

Thoughts → Feelings → Actions → Results

torchbearer: one runner. one flame (Olympics); there's enough money and talent but not enough torchbearers

  • we work on a problem until it's good enough, not until it's right
  • weapons of market destruction


we crawl while life rushes past (e.g., phone choices —> option paralysis) {Harry Beckwith}

weapons of market destruction

We don't care. We don't have to. {Seth Godin}


the universe rewards action

PS Network

Market Better
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blogger.png Blog
marketingreflections.png Newsletter
Spark Insight
website.png Website
Grasp Risk
twitter.png Twitter
blogger.png Blog
website.png Podcast
website.png Website
Tame Risk
website.png Taxevity
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